Friday, 17 January 2014

SIGHT Is the most important senses.

OUT of the five senses, Sight is the Most Important.

IT is the primary method in which we observe and learn. Good sight is crucial to education.

Children: POOR Vision raises the risk of failing A Grade.The risk of failing one grade is more than 3 times for school children who have a Visual Acuity below 20 / 20 versus children with good visual acuity.**

Fact: 80% of what children learn is acquired through the Visual Processing of information.

Uncorrected Vision Among Children is 30% of children have eyesight problems. That could impact Negatively on their Health, Integration into society and Progress at school. Resulting in anti-social and delinquent behaviour that leads to juvenile offenses.

A simple eye exam can help detect uncorrected vision problems. Clear vision enables children to focus in the classroom and will help them perform better in their studies.

** Source : Simionatto Brasil, 2007.

Watch video now. Essilor - Did you know? -Children 

VISIT Your Eye Care Professional Annually for a full eye and vision examination. A thorough eye exam can also diagnose diabetes and cancer.