Tuesday, 10 May 2011

10 Dos And 10 Don’ts For All Contact Lens Wearers.

Ask yourself,
 Do I “See, Look and Feel” good with these lenses?
 Should you experience any unusual or severe symptoms such as
 redness, pain, burning or stinging sensation or sensitivity
 to light, remove lenses immediately and consult your 
eye-care practitioner as soon as possible.
Eyes Examination.
Contact Lens Safety.  
Tips for Reducing Your Risk of Injury or Infection. 
Proper lens care and handling techniques to minimize eye injury.
Watch Video now!   

Contact Lens Hygiene Tips...

If you wear contact lenses you need to understand lens care: If You Don't take care of your contact lenses properly, your contact lenses can cause your eyes to a variety of eye infections, including some that cause blindness.

Before you get started to wear contact lenses, you should know what steps are required to care for soft contact lenses.

The Basics of Soft Contact Lens Care: Clean, Rinse and Disinfect.

1. Wash your hands so that you don't transfer dirt and germs to your eye. Try to avoid moisturizing soaps, as they are not good for contact lenses. Dry your hands with a lint-free towel.

2. Remove one lens and clean it with the recommended solution. Cleaning removes eye-produced buildup, cosmetics and other debris that impairs lens comfort. The FDA recommends that you rub the lens in the palm of your hand with a few drops of solution, even if you are using a "no-rub" product.

3. Rinse the lens again to remove the loosened debris, making sure to take as long as the package directs: Rinsing is an important step.

4. Place the lens in your clean lens case or lens holder and fill with fresh solution; don't "top off" your old solution. Disinfecting kills microorganisms on the lens. Disinfection time varies from product to product; check the package for details.

5. Repeat steps two through four for your other lens.

WATCH Video Now. Contact Lens Hygiene Tips...

Contact lenses are among the safest forms of vision correction when patients follow the proper care and wearing instructions provided by their optometrist. However, when patients don't use lenses as directed, the consequences may be dangerous.